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Episode 85: Fixing the Productivity Problems that Get in the Way of Having the Life You Want—with Mark Struczewski

Deb Zahn: I want to welcome you to this week's episode of the Craft of Consulting podcast. So we're going to dive deep into productivity. And I know that it might seem like a topic that, what does that matter to consulting? Well, it matters hugely because the more productive you are, the more you're going to be able to bring in the income you want in the timeframe that you actually want to work. And not start to steal time from other parts of your life that are meaningful to you. So I brought on the productivity guy, literally, Mark Struczewski, who is going to walk us through key strategies for figuring out how you're not productive and how to fix it. So again, you have the life and livelihood that you want. So let's get started.

Hi. I want to welcome you to my show today, Mark Struczewski. Did I say that right?

Mark Struczewski: Very, very close. I'm very impressed with you.

Deb Zahn: Well, thank you. Thank you. So, Mark, let's start off. Tell my audience what you do.

Mark Struczewski: I am a productivity expert and trainer. I help people get unstuck because especially during this time of our lives with COVID, we are dealing with overwhelm. We're dealing with anxiety. And when I first got into productivity a number of years ago, I never thought that mindset and overwhelm and anxiety really had anything to do with productivity. Oh, how little I knew. Now I know that's so critical to being more productive.

Deb Zahn: And so how did you get into productivity? It seems like such an interesting place to end up. How'd you get there?

Mark Struczewski: Well, I wish I could tell you that when I was born, I said, "Mom, Dad, I want to be a productivity expert." But it all started when I got fired from my corporate job in July of 2005. And I decided to be an entrepreneur. I didn't know what it was. I didn't know how to spell it. But I wanted to be one. And my first dive into that was wedding and portrait photography, which failed. But one thing that came out of that was my love for public speaking. Now, remember, this is 2005. Facebook and Twitter were babies. And I remember saying, “How can I promote my business, unlike anyone else?” And so I went to a lady in my Bible study class, who was a professional speaker, and I said, "Hey, could you teach me how to be a speaker because I would like to use speaking as a way to promote my business?"

Well, after I fell in love with speaking, I decided, you know what. I do not want to be a photography speaker. So I started coming up with other ideas. A couple ideas which I'm kind of ashamed to admit right now, but one of them is called from hopeless to hopeful. I have no idea where I was going with that. Another one was how to overcome roadblocks in your path to success. Note to self. When you're not successful, don't tell people how to become more successful. So one day I'm on a phone call with one of my coaches, and I was not having a good day. I'm usually really upbeat and happy. He goes, "What's going on?" I said, "Well, I really love training. And coaching. And speaking. But I don't know what I should talk about." And he goes, "Well, why don't you talk about productivity?" And I said, "Well, I don't know where that came from, but why would you say that?" He goes, "Because I know a lot of people and you are so naturally gifted with being productive. You should share that with the world." And the rest, as they say, is history.

Deb Zahn: Oh, I love that. I love that. So I told you before we started, productivity has been on my mind because I know it matters sort of abstractly, but it often feels kind of like a diet and it feels like a should. I know it's more than a “should.” And so I want you to convince me and everybody else, why does productivity matter so much? And obviously, I'm a consultant so I get why it matters from a business perspective. But, tell me why it shouldn't feel like a diet and why I should care?

Mark Struczewski: Well, let me start off by saying this. If you are happy with your life right now and you're achieving your goals and you're happy, you don't have to listen to me. OK? If you just want to watch TV four to six hours a night, and that makes you happy, then you can ignore what I'm going to say. But for most people, they are tired of being overwhelmed. They're tired of being the hamster on the wheel. They want to work. They want to serve their clients. But they also want to have some free time. And that doesn't happen by circumstance or by serendipity, serendipitous. I can't even say that word. Is that the right word?

Deb Zahn: Serendipity.

Mark Struczewski: Thank you. See, I trip over my own tongue. I told you about this before we started recording. But the thing is, if you want to have your best life ever, you have to be intentional about it. And that's where I enter in it. Because if you are just thinking that everything's going to magically layout for you like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz and follow the yellow brick road. If you think that's what's going to happen, I have a bridge in the desert to sell you. Because it's not going to happen. You need to understand how to be productive. And you know what, Deb, it's different for everybody. I've never had two identical clients. They all have different issues. This person is single. This person's married. This person has seven kids. It differs. It is really different. So there is no boilerplate that says, "Hey, if you do these three things, I guarantee you, you'll be more productive." That just doesn't happen.

Deb Zahn: That's right. So actually that was my next question. This is perfect, which is, it's almost like you have to be a doctor. The doctor of productivity. And diagnose what the problem is because it is different for everybody. And with people, it changes and evolves over time. I find I am tremendously creative at getting around what I'm trying to do to make my life easier. So how do you diagnose, like for each person, what is tripping them up and what are some of the common things you see?

Mark Struczewski: Well, I just wrote down “doctor of productivity” question mark. So I'm going to explore that a little later.

Deb Zahn: It's all yours.

Mark Struczewski: So when I get a new client or someone hits me up on social media or whatever the case may be and they go, "I need to be more productive. Can you help me?" I'm like, “OK, whoa. Let's take a step back here because I don't know you. OK. So let's explore. Where are your bottlenecks? Where are you struggling right now?” Because like I said, everyone's going to be different. OK. Are you struggling with being on time? Are you struggling with focus? Are you struggling with doing too much? And so I really have to dive in to find out where the log jams are first before I can give them any advice. A lot of people think, like if you go to your doctor, a prime example. You talked about the doctor of productivity. If you go to your doctor and say, "I don't feel good." He'll give you medicine, right? He shouldn't. I hope he doesn't give you medicine.

Deb Zahn: Hopefully, not.

Mark Struczewski: Hopefully, he asks more questions, and he listens to your heart and the breath. And stuff like that. Does some blood work. The same thing. I've got to diagnose the client and find out what the real issue is. Because what I found in my experience is what they tell me is really on the surface and I have to dig and dig and dig and go, "Ah, I think we found the problem." It's really deep because I'll be asking all these questions like, “Where are you going with this?” I'm like, “Because I don't think we're there yet.” “We're not where yet?” “We're not at the root cause.” Because it's like if you have a bad tooth. I hope that that dentist doesn't just put something on the top and say goodbye. I hope he digs in and finds out where the infection is. And we need to do that.

So every client I deal with, I have to find out what's going on. Has it always been this way? Because some people are born procrastinators. Some people don't have a productivity neuron in their body and some people are somewhat productive. Some people are pretty productive. So I got to find out where you are. So it is a big diagnosis before I can even get started.

Deb Zahn: And so let's say it's procrastination. So one of the things I hear a lot when I coach people is, "I don't know where my days go." And that's a surface thing. That doesn't tell you what's actually going on. That tells you one of the symptoms. And procrastination tends to be sort of the next layer. When you start to peel that onion…we're going to go all over the place with metaphors here. So when you start to peel that onion, what kind of things do you typically see? What are some common ones?

Mark Struczewski: Well, the first thing I tell them. If they tell me, "I don't know where my time is going." And I think I know what the issue is, I tell them, “OK, look at it. What I want you to do is only to track your time for two to four days.” And I really mean when I look them in the eyeball and I say, “Look at it. I mean track everything you do.” Because what happens is when we keep everything in our head, we start justifying what's going on.

Deb Zahn: Oh, yeah.

Mark Struczewski: But when you get a notebook and you say, “OK, I sat down to read a book at noon, 12:01. Checking Instagram, 1:01. Oh my gosh, I spent an hour on Instagram.” Because you didn't know it. Because you just said, I'm not spending that long. There's something about writing down what you actually do. And I want the listeners to hear that. Writing. I didn't say enter it on an app on your phone. I want you to write it down because there's something very powerful about you getting a pen and a notebook and you writing down what you did. And when people do this exercise and they go back and they look at it, they're stunned. They're stunned because they're like, I really watch that much TV every night? I'm really on social media that much? Because they don't track it. And yes, there are apps like screen time on the iPhone and whatnot.

But when you write it down in your own handwriting in your notebook, it becomes really real. And I encourage people to track your time. And I mean when you're at work and when you're home, OK? What time do you get up? What do you do when you first wake up? How long does it take you to prepare breakfast? Everything. Because if you only do the work stuff, what happens is you only get part of the picture. You need to account for the full 24 hours. And people that do this have come back to me and go, "Oh, my gosh. I'm wasting so much time."

Deb Zahn: Yeah. And you don't know. Because again, we underestimate what we do all the time. So it actually is sort of the same thing when people are trying to get control of their eating habits. If you write it all down, you will be surprised at how many snacks you had and how you did that. So let's say somebody does that and they're surprised. They're shocked at what they see. What's the next thing you do with them to help them now come up with some solutions?

Mark Struczewski: Well, the first thing I do after that is, we focus in on sleep. Because sleep is so important for your productivity. So I hone right in and I find out, OK, what time do you normally get up? OK. How long are you sleeping? And what's your bedtime routine look like? Because those are precious times. Your body is doing so much work when you're sleeping. And if you're not getting enough sleep, then you wake up. You're tired. You're foggy. You can't focus. Your productivity takes a hit. And you feel like you're dragging concrete bricks around you the whole day. So when people say, wait a minute, I came to you because I don't know where my time's going and now you're talking about sleep. I said, "Look at it. It's all part of the big picture." OK.

In order for you to be your most productive self, we got to get you emotionally, spiritually, and physically healthy. OK. So are you eating McDonald's, Burger King, and Wendy's for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? Are you eating ice cream and cupcakes and candy all day? Because that's going to affect your productivity because now you're going to feel, oh. So it's a whole thing I go over them with. And some people had some issues and some people have other issues, but there are some similarities. Obviously, social media is huge. As is email.

Deb Zahn: Yeah. Well, and social media. So if anybody's watched The Social Dilemma, you know it's actually intended to get you and keep you hooked. It's not accidental. It's not your deficiency as a human being. It is actually designed to do it. And so I've found that to be a rabbit hole that I go down. So let's say that's one. Social media is just consuming too much time. And if they track it, they know they're spending hours a day. What do you tell them to do?

Mark Struczewski: I tell them that you've got to have an end to your social media. Most people go into social media for a minute and it's an hour or two later. So I tell them what you need to do is one of two things. First, use my favorite productivity app on your phone. It's called the timer. Everyone forgets about the timer. We use it when we're cooking something on the grill. We don't use it for anything else. Let's say you want to go on social media for 30 minutes. You set that timer on your phone. And when you pick the alarm, don't get something like butterflies or angel wings or something like that. Get something really annoying. I would even spend a $1.50 on your app store and get something really annoying. Maybe it's your ex-spouse or somebody at work you hate or something like that. You want to be jolted because what happens is if we go on social media and we don't have an end game, we'll play there for a long time.

But here's the thing. You set the alarm. You set the timer before you open up any social media platform. Not after. Before. So you set the timer. Then you go on. And then when the timer goes off, what do you think you do, Deb?

Deb Zahn: Snooze. Do I snooze?

Mark Struczewski: No, you don't snooze. You get off social media.

Deb Zahn: Oh, I failed.

Mark Struczewski: Yeah. You get off social media. And the other thing you can do, before I forget, is if you're planning like me and you're going to be on social media from 2:00 to 2:30, make sure you have something at 2:30. That your phone goes off and says, “Hey, you got this other thing to go on.” You've got to have something to jolt you. If you don't, to your point, who came up with endless scrolling? That would be social media. There's a reason why they came up with it. They are not your friend. They are not your friend. They are your anti-productivity enemy. And you have got to punch them in the face by setting timers. Creating a playpen. Or boundaries. Say I'm going to be on social media for this time and that's it.

Deb Zahn: Yeah, and you know what I love about that is, I recently heard the term attention economy. Which is actually the term for them trying to get and hold your attention. And as soon as I heard that, I thought, well, I want my attention. I don't want you to have my attention. And what I have found is, the other pieces just sort of piddling away the day. So I like your deliberate sort of time blocking in terms of you know what you're doing when. Because what drives me crazy is I want to go kayaking with my mom. If I'm not productive and I haven't figured out what my day's going to look like and do that, then I work from nine until six or seven at night. As opposed to I get everything done. I'm done at one and we're out on a lake. And that's the benefit of it. But how do you get into the habit and start to normalize those types of new behaviors so that you're ultimately getting what you want at the end?

Mark Struczewski: Well, before I answer that question, let me tell you what most people do. You're going to go kayaking with their mom, and they didn't get all their work done. They still go kayaking with their mom. They don't say, "Mom, I can't go today." They just go, “Hey, well. Listen, this is more important. This is my mom. OK?” And that's what happens. So they don't even do what you do. They just blow off work and go kayaking. And didn't get the work done.

Now creating new habits is not easy. OK? Creating new habits is very challenging. And I always tell people, I'm a big fan of simplicity. You have to start small. So if your productivity is utter chaos. Let's say on a scale of one to 10. 10 means you're the most productive person in the world. Which there are no 10s, by the way. And I don't think anyone's a one. We're all between ones and 10s. And we all ebb and flow. But if you were, say a 1.5. Don't try to fix more than one thing at once. OK. Fix one thing. Pick one area. I don't care what area it is. Look at your life. Look at all the challenges you're having with being productive and go, "OK, what do I want to focus on first?" And then focus on that and master that. What people do is they go, "Well, I'm going to do these six things." And what's going to happen, a couple days later? Oh, forget it. I can't do it. Because you tried to do too much. Just do one.

And I would even break it down even further. I would pick something really easy to do, like using a timer. Don't overwhelm yourself because when you overwhelm yourself, that's when you give up. I don't want you to overwhelm yourself. I want you to step back and go, “OK, what would give me an easy win that's going to help me be more productive?” And then you pick something else, all of a sudden. That train is going down the track and like, wow, I'm actually doing it. But if you started with your biggest problem, your biggest challenge, you're like, “Oh, I can't push this train.” Yeah, you're trying to push the train. How about going into the engine? Just moving it to start or push the button. What do they do on a train? I've never conducted a train, but whatever. Do something. Do the easy thing first. You want to get that train moving.

Deb Zahn: That's right. And you want to feel like you can be successful that you actually can make change happen. So if you start with your easiest one...So I have two questions that come out of that. So one is how do you amp it up? So how do you do the next thing in line? And then ultimately, how do you make things stick so that you don't sort of fall back?

Mark Struczewski: Well, I think the answer to your second question is accountability. OK. I'm going to date myself here. Lone Ranger, are familiar with the Lone Ranger?

Deb Zahn: Of course.

Mark Struczewski: OK. The Lone Ranger always...Who did the Lone Ranger always have?

Deb Zahn: Tonto.

Mark Struczewski: Tonto. So why do we think we can always go through this on our own? Oh, I don't need a coach. I don't need an accountability partner. I don't need a mastermind. I could do it all myself. No. You can't. I've got an accountability partner. We all need somebody to help us. And you tell, “Hey, I'm going to do X, Y, and Z. If I don't do it by Friday, call me out on it.” And what happens is we don't do that and so we don't do the thing. And no one holds us accountable. So you need to get accountability.

Now, how to amp it up. I would move slowly. And so let's say you're trying to break your addiction to social media. I think you should start rewarding yourself when you meet your goals. So you say, “OK, I'm only going to be on social media today for 90 minutes. I'm eventually going to get it down to 30, but I'm going to start at 90.” If you get to be on social media for less than 90 minutes, you reward yourself. Now, let me just talk about rewarding yourself. I'm not talking about you doing it once, and you go buy yourself a new car.

Deb Zahn: I went Lamborghini. I did.

Mark Struczewski: We're talking about appropriate rewards because when you reward yourself, then you're like, “Oh, that felt good.” And then all these stores have these point things, and you get so many points and get this prize. Maybe you create your own little point system and say, “OK, if I do it for one day, I get this thing. If I do it for five days, I get this bigger thing. But if I do it on Monday, well, I can't count five days on Friday. Either it's Friday or it's one day.” Because what I want you to do is go, OK, one day, it's this prize. Five days is this price. If I go 15 days, well, I'm not going to cash in my one day and five-day prizes. I'm going to save up for it. Now you're competing against yourself. Does that make sense?

Deb Zahn: Yeah. Well, it's a carrot-stick approach, which is actually useful. Again, I think I mentioned to you. I'm married to a behavior change expert. So this is actually helpful. And it does help. And you actually have to have both. So the accountability, which is if you want to change a behavior, one of the key things that experts talk about is you need to tell people. If you keep it a secret, it ain't happening. So having that direct accountability, if this doesn't happen, this will occur. I will be held accountable. And then the carrot of, and I want it to be pleasurable when I meet my goals. It's beautiful. I think that's a great approach.

Mark Struczewski: And I wish more people would do that. Again, what I just said, people are trying to do it themselves. And I'm like, why? Why are you trying to do it yourself? I don't get it. I'm like, there's so many people on this planet. You've got to have someone in your life who's on your side cheering you along. So say, "Hey, listen, can you help me out?" They probably would say yes. I don't understand. It's almost like a badge of honor. Like I'm going to do it myself. Yeah, you could take 10 times longer to do it.

Deb Zahn: Yeah. Yeah, or you continually slip and then you never ultimately do it. I love that. So relapse is very common?

Mark Struczewski: Yes.

Deb Zahn: Very, very common in any type of behavior change. I've experienced it with productivity. Even some of the small changes I've made. What do you encourage people to do if they relapse?

Mark Struczewski: It's not a question of if, it's when. Everybody is going to relapse. My aunt, she's 82-years-old. Served this country and she's got a saying I love. "It is what it is." What we got to do when we relapse. Tou just go, well, it is what it is. I'm going to get back on the train.

Deb Zahn: Yeah.

Mark Struczewski: What happens is we beat ourselves up emotionally. We're like, “Oh, I'm a loser. I'm a moron. How stupid am I?” How do you think that's helping you? Just take a deep breath and just go, it is what it is. OK. I fell off the wagon. OK. I'll get back on the wagon tomorrow. OK. Don't beat yourself up. There is not a human being on this planet, all eight billion of them that hasn't relapsed in some way, shape, or form across their life. Nobody is perfect. OK. It's not going to happen. So just take a deep breath and go, “You know what? It is what it is.” And move on. OK.

Now, someone says to me, "Well, what if I relapse again?" You're going to. You think people...I mean, I'm fascinated by people who have summited Mount Everest. How many people do you think did it one time and made it the first time all way up the mountain? Nobody. They go up to the first base camp and they get sick or something happens. Or an avalanche. They come back down. The second time. The second base camp. It's life. We are so hard on ourselves. You're going to relapse. The question, Deb, is not if you're going to relapse. Because you are. The question is what are you going to do when you do? Are you going to beat yourself up and give up? Or are you going to say, “Well, I learned some lessons. I know why I relapsed. Now, I'm going to get back on the wagon. Get back on the horse. And get back on doing what I'm doing.”

Deb Zahn: And I know more. And now I can plan better. I love that. So how important is it to know your why behind why you want to be productive?

Mark Struczewski: I think it's so important. I actually say that. This actually goes into my training with planning. A lot of people jump into planning and I say, "Goals feed your plan. Your why feeds your goals." So if you don't know your why, if you go, “I don't know what my why is,” then it's really hard for me to help you be more productive because I've got nothing to operate on. I've got no why. I've got no goals. I've got no anything. So it's kind of like, “What am I doing?” And everyone's got a why. You may not know your why, but everyone has a why. And I think that if you don't know, you go get a notebook and a pen. You go someplace quiet. And you just start writing down what you think your why is. A lot of people don't do that.

But I think a why is so important because, for example, let's say I'm a football player. Or I want to be a football player. But I show up to training camp. I don't know what position you want to play. Do I want to kick? Do I want to be on the defense? They're like, we can't help you. I mean because you're coming to us. We don't know what you are. I mean, you didn't play football in college. What do you want to be? I don't know. You wouldn't make the team because you don't know yourself. And I think your why is so important to be productive. Because why do you want a plan? That makes sense. Well, I don't know what I want to do tomorrow. Well, then you may as well watch Netflix all day if you don't have a why.

Deb Zahn: That's right. That's right. Yeah. It's also, I find it motivating. So one of my big themes this year was less drama, more mama.

Mark Struczewski: I love that.

Deb Zahn: Which is less time dealing with stuff that's not worth my time and more time spent with my mom. That's one of the things I wanted to do. It's her 80th birthday this year.

Mark Struczewski: Wow.

Deb Zahn: And I know that all choices are relative choices. If I say yes to something, I'm saying no to something else. Only I don't always pay attention to the fact that I'm saying no to something else. So because I know my why, I can say, if I make this choice of going down this rabbit hole or piddling away my day or whatever it is, I'm saying no to mom. That is so much more motivating than saying I'm not being productive.

Mark Struczewski: Yep, a hundred percent.

Deb Zahn: And I think that's why it's so, so, so powerful. So if somebody follows this track, and I do agree, getting some type of accountability outside of yourself put in place is critical. What does that get them at the end of it? Describe what it's done for you.

Mark Struczewski: Well, for me, it gives me freedom. It gives me peace. But everyone's got to figure out what they want at the end of this work. This line of work. This process. Or this journey you're going on. What do you want? I mean, what do you want? Most people, Deb, don't even think about that. They're like, “I don't know what I want.” Well, then why are you on this journey? I mean, I love Disney World, OK? Not now. I'm not going to go there if you have to wear a mask. But I like going to Disney World. I've been about 40, 50 times. OK. I know when I get in my car, I know what I want to do at Disney World. I don't get there and go, well I'm here. Don't know what I want to do. I have a plan. Or let's say you want to go to Hawaii. Or you want to go to South Africa. You want to go to Paris. OK. I mean, why are you going there? Obviously, you bought the plane tickets. You got the hotel reservations. You saved up for the trip.

You obviously want to go there for some reason. OK? If you don't have a reason, then the journey's going to be longer if not impossible. But what do you want to do when you get there? Whatever journey you're on, what do you want to do when you get to the end? How do you want to feel? I think we don't spend enough time thinking about how we want to feel. I want to become a millionaire. OK. Why? How's it going to feel to become a millionaire? Great. Why? And so I think it goes back to what you said about the why. I think the why and your destination go together. Because if you don't have a why, you don't know how you're going to feel. How are you going to know if you've reached the destination if you don't know your why or your purpose?

Deb Zahn: That's right.

Mark Struczewski: So I think this is really important. I'm glad we discussed it today.

Deb Zahn: Yeah, no. And I think the deliberateness by which you're talking about taking each step consciously and not just being carried away by something outside of yourself, which I think is what happens a lot. I love that. So obviously, you are the doctor of productivity. That's it. I'm using that term.

Mark Struczewski: OK.

Deb Zahn: One of the questions I always like to ask, and I think it's really important in talking about one of the reasons behind productivity is to bring balance and other things that are meaningful to you. In whatever proportion do you think makes sense in your life. How do you do that?

Mark Struczewski: Well, I go about my life very intentionally. So I live my life not as, oh, whatever happens, happens. I live my life by...And I'm getting better at this every day, by the way. I'm not perfect by any means. I'm like, what is my goal for this year? Next year? Or the year after? The year after? What do I want to do? And what I'm trying to focus on is mostly about 70 to 80% of my day. Am I working on needle-moving activities? Now, I do spend some time on social media? But what do I need to do to grow my business? And I'm learning to let things go.

My wife, she got furloughed during COVID. So she does all my podcast processing. She does all the social media stuff. All that stuff. Because that's not a good use of my time. OK. Now, why hire a PA when my wife is here and she's willing to work for me? So I'm trying to work on the things like I can spend more time in content creation. Or creating my podcast. Or creating training. Or a course. Or whatever it needs to be. I'm always trying to serve people. How can I serve people? And I wake up every day, I'm like, OK, literally, seven days a week. How can I serve? And I do. I am active on LinkedIn seven days a week. I am doing my podcast four to five days a week. I'm always trying to add value.

Because just because it's Christmas for me, you may not believe in Christmas and it's just a regular day for you. And so somebody is going to need my help. So I will respond to people if they send me a DM on a holiday or on vacation. I do reply. Not right away, but I do reply. Because my heart was always used to be about money, money, money, money, money. Now it's like, OK, how can I serve? Because I learned after watching a lot of smart people. Whether you're talking Tony Robbins, Oprah Winfrey. Whatever. The more people give, the more they get. Givers get. People who are stingy don't.

And so I just give and give and give and give and give and just try to help people. And it's not so much about the money anymore. The money is nice. But I feel so good when I get people unstuck, or when someone says, "Man, you're coaching or you're training. Man, this is what I really needed." That's what really gets me excited. So every day is spent intentionally. So I sit down and go, “What do I want to do tomorrow?” I think about, OK, how can I serve people? And a lot of that stuff that needs to be done. But it doesn't need to be done by me. I give it to my wife, who's really good at it. And then I just go from there.

Deb Zahn: That's great. I love that. And I do believe in the generosity and service is the golden ticket to life. To business. To everything. And it's absolutely true for consulting. I built my whole business off of that principle. That's beautiful. And I also love're only doing what only you can do and allowing other people to do what they're really good at. I think that's a perfect way to bring balance. Well, Mark, where can folks find you?

Mark Struczewski: You can go to That's all spelled out, M-I-S-T-E-R, You will be magically transported to You're welcome. There, you can find out about my podcast, the Mark Struczewski podcast. You can also find out about a coaching program I'm super, super excited about. It's called Digital Productivity Coaching. It's actually all done in an app and it's incredible because it's seven days a week. It's very affordable and I'm really excited about it. My clients are really excited about it. Because you don't really get one-on-one access to me. But you can ask me questions through the app and I can be your accountability partner. So if you tell me, "I'm going to do X," I'm going to follow-up with you and say, "Hey, did you do X?" And if you go, "No," I'm like, "Why?" And I will because that's what people pay me for. So you can find out everything about me there, including my upcoming training. Any training that I have, it will always be in the homepage of

Deb Zahn: That's great. And it's Mr. Productivity because you had not earned your doctorate by coming on this show.

Mark Struczewski: Correct. Yeah, so don't go to Dr. Productivity. I have no idea where you'd go. But go to

Deb Zahn: Wonderful. Well, Mark, thanks so much for joining me today.

Mark Struczewski: Thank you so much for having me on. It was an honor to serve both you and your audience.

Deb Zahn: Thanks so much for listening to this episode of the Craft of Consulting Podcast. I want to ask you to do actually three things. If you enjoyed this episode or if you've enjoyed any of my other ones, hit subscribe. I got a lot of other great guests that are coming up and a lot of other great content and I don't want you to miss anything. But the other two things that I'm going to ask you to do is, one is, if you have any comments, so if you have any suggestions or any kind of feedback that will help make this podcast more helpful to more listeners, please include those.

And then the last thing is, again, if you've gotten something out of this, share it, share it with somebody you know who's a consultant or thinking about being a consultant, and make sure that they also have access to all this great content and all the other great content that's going to be coming up.

So as always, you can go and get more wonderful information and tools at Thanks so much. I will talk to you on the next episode. Bye-bye.

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